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  1. C

    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @sweedo Thanks 💜💜 I don't know how to explain I need a day off when he goes to work all day and doesn't ask for a day off. It feels so selfish.
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @katrina2017 Oh my goodness! That IS a lot! We all know that trapped feeling well. Other people in the comments have said it gets better. 💜
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @rjirai I have, but daycare where we live is pretty expensive. Plus, neither of us want to put babies in daycare. I'll put my son in preschool as soon as he's old enough (he just turned 2). He'll thrive being with other kids. We've talked about moving closer to our families and if we do that I...
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @eljotas 💜💜 Even just this post has made me feel better and less alone.
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @aria903 I've seen people saying to wake up before everyone else, but my son is up at 6 and I'm not a morning person. Haha! I'd rather stay up after everyone else. My husband is very helpful too. It's been a big learning curve for both of us. His dad was never involved in his life and my mom...
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @kookie80 Yes! My neighbor has her grandson 3 days a week and I cannot express how jealous I am!
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @thienthatha96 I've considered doing that, but there's a complication. My best friend from college has a little girl who is literally only 2 days younger than my son (we didn't plan this) so it could work out perfectly. The problem is, her daughter doesn't like other kids. We take them to the...
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @mallett I'm so impressed that you had twins and decided to have more babies! Haha!
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @treybud20 "Rentless" is a good word for it. And I don't know if this happens to you, but people think that because the kids go to bed late they'll sleep in. "Oh! He woke up early, he'll have a good nap today!" Nope, he'll probably just be fussy until his normal nap time.
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @alidvx So, I’ve been doing this for 3 days now and it is so great! My son is doing shockingly well and now I get a few minutes to get some stuff done. Who even knew this was possible? This is life changing. Thank you so much. I have 1 last question: what do you do when you go out of town? Do...
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @alidvx I try to always be honest with my son, even when I know he doesn't understand. This is seriously such a good idea. I'm absolutely going to use it. Thank you so so much!
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @alidvx We didn't do electronics until recently. I just reached a point where I was throwing anything at him to keep him entertained. So you started with 15 minutes, then after a few days moved to 30, and so on. Did you wait until they had stopped crying to move the time up? Do you let them...
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @alidvx I love this idea! My son likes playing in his room so the only transition will be me not being in there with him. How do you keep them in there? Shut the doors? My son can open doors now. How do you transition into independent play time? Do you have a special phrase you use? A timer...
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @gypsyx Yes. lol
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @nicholas1993 Oh, I miss Target and the play area at the mall and story time at the library. We would also go random places just to have something to do. We have a great locally owned bookstore that is huge and has toys and a place for moms to sit down. I miss our pre-covid routines.
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @isaac4107 He gets to talk to so many more adults, yeah. And even better, he often doesn't have to talk to anyone and gets to work on stuff alone. I can't even go pee alone. I find myself jealous if his commute just because he gets to be alone for 15 minutes. Haha!
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @sweetmercies I'm the same. It's just hard to not compare when your MIL is seemingly the "perfect" mom. Don't get me wrong, I see through her facade, but still. She stayed home with my husband and excelled.
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @lucy I'm also generally low energy. I cherish nap time and not just because I'm pregnant. It's so hard not to compare. Especially when my MIL was the SAHM with a spotless house and warm meals and all that. But that's where I have to remind myself that she her other kids were teenagers when my...
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @kebo It makes you want to scream!
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    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @kebo "he doesn’t have to have his hot coffee in a travel mug with a lock because his manager will sneak up on him and slap it out of his hands and laugh whilst your nethers are burnt." This really hit home and made me laugh out loud (I needed that, thank you). My husband can also reply to a...