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  1. S

    29 m/o still not walking—HELP!

    @liveetah My 32 weeker was a bottom shuffler and was also diagnosed with low tone. All gross motor skills were delayed. Didn’t pull to stand until 18 months and didn’t take first steps until 2 years - full walking with confidence took another good few weeks. He needed orthopedic little boots...
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    Is it acceptable to pushback? I feel they could get him home faster.

    @eline I’m sure home is imminent OP but I don’t think there’s any sense in rushing this last bit (we had a 7 week stay and I was also desperate for home). It’s true that most babies may have signs of reflux but personally I’d be keen for everything to be done while he is in there regarding this...
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    Tell me your stories of your 28-30 weekers

    @kimhimmel Single baby Born at 28+2 weighing 1 pound 15oz IUGR and absent end diastolic flow on USS. Emergency LCSC for non reassuring CTG. Had steroids x3 and mag sulph prior to delivery. Ventilated x24 hours, CPAP x3 weeks, Hi Flow O2 x1 week - he kept pulling out the nasal prongs so they...
  4. S

    After the NICU issues?

    @travelor65 I’ve had 2 premie babies (33 & 28 weekers) and both have been very “grunty” babies! It’s especially common in premature babies, both of mine grew out of it after a few weeks but it sure is awfully noisy especially at night. So I don’t think there is anything wrong with your baby per...