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  1. B

    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    @hashleyg I don’t know if you’re being a troll or if you’re just stupid. I don’t think that is the right way to bring up termination of a pregnancy and the right attitude towards such a difficult decision. If you can’t take the time to write a response with a little bit of tact and empathy then...
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    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    @helpmeunderstand Thank you for that. We both know that we will love her no matter what. Selfishly it’s scary to think of loosing our independence and unselfishly it’s scary to think of my kid having a challenging childhood.
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    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    @carriesatousa Thank you for sharing this page and for the kind words.
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    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    @unhappy2019 Thank you, and I’m sorry to hear about this diagnosis. The wide variety is what makes it difficult. In our case many have no symptoms while some have kidney failure, life long seizures, autism and very low IQs. It’s scary because you visualize your kid having a normal happy...
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    Baby was just diagnosed with a genetic condition and I’m scared. Anyone with experience or advice?

    My wife is 14 weeks pregnant with our first child. We are having a baby girl and I’ve been super excited about becoming a father. We just received the results of the genetic testing and received some tough news. It seems like our baby has something called trisomy x syndrome which is an extra X...