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  1. M

    New to NICU w/ 27 years weeker. Brady spells

    @biblestudy Yes, the respiratory therapist and nurses tell me that it’s extremely common as well as the dr but it’s almost like logically it’s not computing in my brain if that makes sense. I’m thinking that I’m mostly processing things emotionally right now with my postpartum brain. Anyways I...
  2. M

    New to NICU w/ 27 years weeker. Brady spells

    @mozo41 Omg thank you 🙏. I appreciate your feedback so much. It’s been a lonely road in that we don’t have family that’s gone through a nicu stay before so it’s nice to hear that there are others out there that have gone through this experience.
  3. M

    New to NICU w/ 27 years weeker. Brady spells

    Hi 👋 I’m new to the NICU world. Baby was born at 27w +2 due to preterm labor and pre-eclampsia. She’s been doing well overall and has been in NICU for 10 days now. She’s tolerating food ok, gaining weight, head scan is ok, heart rate is good, she has 1 IV line in her foot now where she gets...