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  1. W

    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @morganpettit97 I never pumped until later even though I was told to do so and I don’t understand why! Is already a lot of work just bf. Don’t get discouraged keep feeding your baby..I know people offer formula a lot but if you can bf stay with that and don’t worry about body doesn’t...
  2. W

    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @kayla701 Unbelievable..exactly what I’m talking about with these pediatricians..I wouldn’t be surprised if the benefit from us getting formula..and why would LC say that? having baby on demand is the main thing to make sure your body reacts! Your nipples suffer when the latch is not proper..and...
  3. W

    i don’t wanna pump anymore

    @crystalsherie Sadly I think medical personnel know less and less about bf and pushing formula down our throats.. every person I ask if they bf they said no because the milk didn’t come and I’m like yeah it takes a little time not to mention other issues such as tongue tie or stress! Instead...