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    PUMP Act blocked

    @benaz1 I made it to a year and it was a STRUG👏🏻GLE👏🏻. My princess never nursed, she thinks my boobs are hilarious. I had to exclusively pump - my mental health couldn’t do it for 2 years.
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    Extended Short Term Disability during maternity leave Q

    @richking58 I had severe preeclampsia with an icu stay after birth, and still only got 6 weeks. It’s absolutely criminal that each state and each company can make their own rules.
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    Sometimes I feel like I am just bankrolling my husband’s identity crisis

    @goldensleather I have ADHD, my husband does slightly, but he does have some neurodivergent tendencies and is a recovering ego-maniac. (He is working on it, lol). I would not be able to project manage him, he wouldn’t take it from me. I’d have to appeal to someone who he really respects, like...
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    Sometimes I feel like I am just bankrolling my husband’s identity crisis

    @chelleaiken81 As an ADHDer who basically built and then subsequently crashed my own business, the feeling like a failure and decision paralysis kept me in a state of “nothingness” more or less for a year. And I didn’t have kids at the time to cause more stress. Is he currently seeing someone...