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    I can’t let my husband’s inabilities hinder us

    @debus This shit really makes me mad. My husband does similar things, except he smokes cigarettes. He'll sit outside and smoke for an hour if I let him. I hate it and it annoys the ever living shit out of me. I feel like an asshole because I know that's his decompression time but dude, come on I...
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    I can’t let my husband’s inabilities hinder us

    @jebadoa Totally agree with you. Yes it may be a form of potty training but it's the parents who are being trained not the baby lol
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @juliand Cosleepy on Instagram has a whole bunch of posts on how to safely chest sleep. Propping yourself up and your arms up on pillows is a big part of it.