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  1. R

    Tell me I’m not a bad parent

    @dan54fis I used to freak out about screen time due to what the internet says but in my country they don’t actually say not to use it for babies and in fact say there’s some evidence it can be educational. And my daughter actually learned loooads from those type of educational channels like ms...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @torunn Yes I agree! Sounds like we are in a similar boat with the sleep (17 months here still waking several times a night!) I find the judgement very disheartening. Everything is a balance, and parents have to weigh things, like is the small risk of cosleeping worth the getting to bond with my...
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    Severe anxiety about upcoming bachelorette trip for my best friend and leaving baby

    @miyuki256 I didn’t breastfeed and my partner has always done half of the night wakings but I wouldn’t spend 3 nights away from my baby now that she’s 21 months old let alone at 10 months. Some people are fine with it and I wouldn’t judge anyone for taking 3 nights away but also I personally...
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    a question of entitlement

    @kezia Don’t really understand this situation. Did everyone know the kids had the day off in advance or was it like the school cancelled in the morning due to snow or a burst pipe or something? If it was a sudden unexpected day off then yeah I think it’s odd that parent B would just go off to...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @victorbess A parents mental health is essential for their baby’s mental health. There is plenty of actual evidence showing that poor maternal mental health negatively impacts babies. Far far more evidence of this than evidence that sleep training negatively impacts babies. Yes parenting...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @riseup But you have no facts. You have one study that doesn’t even say what you’re claiming it says and a load of assumptions. There is tons and tons of evidence that smacking kids is damaging long term. I can’t believe you’re now equating sleep training to child abuse. You keep suggesting I’m...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @riseup How am I not discussing facts and nuance? The facts are there’s no evidence sleep trained babies suffer harm or do not form secure attachments. The facts are that sleep deprivation causes mental health issues and mental health issues in parents can harm babies. My whole point is that...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @riseup I have a PhD in psychology and a masters in neuroscience I understand the brain. I just don’t agree with your conclusions. Ok you haven’t used the term damage but then what are you suggesting? There is no damage but it still isn’t ok? Why then isn’t it ok if it does mitigate actual...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @riseup What’s the difference between an infant no longer crying because they realise no one will come and that’s a terrible feeling of abandonment and damaging to them and it’s not ok, or not crying because they realise no one will come right now but it’s ok? Obviously they’re not ‘realising’...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @riseup I think it’s kind of judgemental to act like mothers who sleep train or do things differently are somehow ignorant or cruel or not as enlightened or whatever. Yes research show ST’d babies wake up but don’t cry out, but that might be just because they don’t feel the need to cry out...
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    Tell me I’m not a bad parent

    @whitstatman She sometimes comes across as almost sarcastic to me because her sweet baby voice is so over the top 😄
  12. R

    Nurse suggested diluting formula as measure against constipation in 7-week old - is this as bad of an idea as I think?

    @holy_venom95 Our doctor told us to do this with our baby but not every bottle and only an extra 10 ml or one third of an ounce. It did work but I think you should talk to an actual doctor about it! When she was older (like 6 months plus) we added quite a bit of water to her formula (about...
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    Does this sound like a reasonable and or normal to you life of a stay at home mom to a 2.5 year old?

    @xeonome You have to know somewhere inside that this isn’t right otherwise you’d not be posting? I don’t understand your husband. You say you’ve been hospitalised with burnout before, why hasn’t that made him step up and help you? I think you should divorce him and get alimony and child support...
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    F**k viruses

    @hogfan5 Same thing here. So excited/relieved at the thought of three weeks off, time to relax, get some things done in the house, spend quality time together as a family etc. Finally none of us were sick just before Christmas break having been sick on and off since October. Visited our baby’s...
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    F**k viruses

    @downtherabbithole Yeah we had covid for the first time in October and since then we’ve been constantly sick with different things. My partner and I have had more viruses in the last three months than we had in the preceding ten years. I’m not surprised that covid screws your immune system, our...
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    My baby is 3.5 months old and will not feed. I’m losing my mind

    @whiteybeefcake We had some success with syringe feeding our daughter but it’s a long winded process. Maybe you can start him on solids at 4 months? I know they can recommend starting solids early for some babies with feeding issues.
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    Toddler tantrums are ruining my life

    @benzohar Oh god in public tantrums/screaming is the worst, it’s so anxiety provoking. It’s not really possible to just let them get it all out or spend time talking them down because you’re in front of loads of people who are being disturbed by it or just looking at you making your own panic...
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @pastorinny My daughter woke every 1-2 hours for the first 14 months and it’s almost killed me! Like I’ve developed anaemia, have terrible memory problems etc. But she doesn’t like cosleeping so we couldn’t do that, just up and down all night! It’s a bit better now but still hard. It’s good to...
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    Comments about baby’s weight

    @angelbaby777 Oh yeah I had that about my baby too, hated it.
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @pastorinny How did you cope waking every two hours for that long?