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    Baby’s new pediatrician told us that formula has no nutritional value 😳

    @etolkk123 I dont mean force feeding? I mean keep presenting options 3 times a day bc you dont know what they are going to eat or when they will start enjoying it
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    Baby’s new pediatrician told us that formula has no nutritional value 😳

    @etolkk123 He sounds dumb but you also should be feeding your baby 3 solid meals a day. Formula is 100% nutritious and second stage formula has iron so no reason your baby will be anemic? But i really would try harder with the solids, check out solid starts for ideas and tips
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    How do you live as an "aware" parent (i.e. mindful of toxins, clean products, etc) without going overboard?

    @chai92 Accept you can only control what’s in your home and tackle on room at a time. First kithchsn, then bathroom, then laundry etc., it gets easier over time because it gets more Mainstream every year and products get better.
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @comicbookcollege Space out the feedings more, especially at night
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @mike_l It’s not that breast feeding in itself decreases SIDS it is that when you co sleep and are breast feeding the infant will fave you curled on its side and you will face it an envelope it in a C position. This is the safest co sleeping position. Dont be so hard on yourself. I would...
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    How do you find time to exercise?

    @davismiller001 Whew okay makes sense! I was like literally HOW
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    How do you find time to exercise?

    @davismiller001 Omg how did you walk for an hour when he was a week old? Wasn’t your vag sore? Im almost a month out and can’t go longer than 15 min without feeling it down there!
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    How do you live as an "aware" parent (i.e. mindful of toxins, clean products, etc) without going overboard?

    @chai92 It’s overwhelming at first but soon becomes second nature! Just remember the basics of no heated plastics and avoiding scents. Thats half the battle.
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @lnoble319 I would literally have never slept if i didnt co sleep with my first so no judgement here! I also felt it was … safer? Bc he was right beside Me. I was combo feeding though and BF throughout the night followed by formula
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @lnoble319 This is pretty normal. Most people co sleep and lie about it hahaha. I think once they are crawling and stuff BF becomes less important for cosleeping
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    Am I ever going to sleep again?

    @3angels Honestly, sleep training and CIO does prevent this (usually) but I don’t think it’s too late! Read Dr Ferber’s book he has some tips for older kids.
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    Self feeding spoons

    @cryptoquip I bought them Off when i was visiting america, there are a lot of different options if you have access.
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    Self feeding spoons

    @cryptoquip I find them online! For some reason germany has the best granola baby stuff! Denmark also has really good baby products. (Canadian here)
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @notedfaith SIDS is likely partly caused by deep sleep so that is actually an extremely important function. I have to disagree that the safe 7 is fake…. Co sleeping IS safer while breastfeeding because the baby is less likely to roll and you are more attuned to your baby. However formula...
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    Self feeding spoons

    @cryptoquip I used silicone spoons because i simply couldnt find wooden spoons!! I also heard some weird things about how bamboo is treated. I do have some good wooden teething toys made in germany though. I also use an actual silver spoon i got as a gift lol.
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @papijay There is definitely a correlation! You may have had an under supply of milk. A really full baby is a happy baby and babies tend to get fuller on formula
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    Under stimulated baby: is it concerning???

    @midas I always think of the simple Wooden toys pioneer children played with too hahaha
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @sleeplesswhite The reason BF and co sleeping go together is because the infant and mom sleep in a C shape, facing each other which is the safest co sleeping position. The baby smells the milk and turns toward it. It’s not about formula And sids, it’s that a breastfeeding pair makes it safer to...