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  1. O

    Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

    @reuben144 Excellent question! As others have pointed out the virus can be spread even if there isn’t an active outbreak, but it’s less risky for asymptomatic spreading to occurs. That being said, an outbreak is much more contagious, from the first “tingle” symptom until after healing as totally...
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    Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

    @keepcalmandagree2disagree All of this is absolutely correct. I think it’s important to add that While HSV is virtually harmless to adults, it is dangerous to infants. Infants do not have the immune system to fight the virus, and there are way too many cases of infants getting HSV from an over...
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    TIC because I finally finished my master’s w/ a 4.0

    @yoly Hell yeah! Congrats! I’m about half way through my grad degree and was so relieved when I finished off the semester with a 4.0. Completing your entire program with a 4.0 is quite the achievement, and then finishing off your last semester while pregnant. Dude. You rock.