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  1. G

    Kindergarten Red-Shirting

    @jadaley07 I've thought a lot about this for my own daughter who has a July birthday with a Sept 1 cut off. She's also only in preschool. We ultimately enrolled her in the appropriate class, and it has been better than I could have hoped.if your daughter is doing well and has friends, etc., why...
  2. G

    Pregnant with third, scared!

    @georgiarose I have (almost) 4 yo, 2 yo, and 4 week old. My oldest was 20 months when #2 was born, and that was a little challenging. The difference this time around is that my oldest is capable of listening and being helpful. The older two also have each other to play with. And they love the...
  3. G

    3.5yo, 2yo and NB? Am I crazy?

    @angeliabell I have 3.5, 2, and 6 week old (and no local family). It's crazy but doable. My older two started sharing a room when #2 was 18 months. They are best friends which makes everything so much easier. I don't necessarily feel like 6 months would have made a difference for me, but...