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  1. B

    Mother refuses to help keep my daughter on a sleep schedule

    @tpham0716 Yes I pay her. I try to pay her at least once a month, sometimes every two weeks when I get paid.
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    Mother refuses to help keep my daughter on a sleep schedule

    @ulfhednar When she’s on schedule, she wakes up around 6:30-7AM, takes a 2.5-3 hour nap around 1pm, then stays up until around 8:30-9. Most of the time, she wakes up around 12am, drinks a little milk and dozes back to sleep. She usually stays sleep until 6:30 again the next day. My mom lets my...
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    Mother refuses to help keep my daughter on a sleep schedule

    Thank you all for the advice! I have considered daycare or other babysitters but I would hate to have my daughter stay with someone I don’t know personally.
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    Mother refuses to help keep my daughter on a sleep schedule

    I live at home and I also have a 10 month old daughter. I work full time as a nurse on second shift, so I get home pretty late. I usually get home from work around 1AM. With that being said, my mother takes care of my daughter while I’m at work. When I come home at night, my daughter is waking...