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  1. R

    Got an 'answer' for my "next level" velcro baby. I was too stressed while pregnant.

    @nazpastor I’m calling BS on this. The amount of stress I had while pregnant and ended up with a non Velcro baby. Yeah. Your MCN is full of shit. Sorry. Hugs momma. You’ve done nothing wrong. You’re doing great and baby just really loves you and feels secure with you. Right now it seems...
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    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @jellofishxo I’m a teacher in the same boat. If we start preschool (no privates by us only public) we must be Team 5. I really wanted to be team 6 but the idea of going at 5 I’m coming to terms with. I was told by our school district that we can repeat kindergarten if we don’t see the social...
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    Anyone else’s baby fit into smaller age size in clothes?

    @netty805 My guy didn’t start wearing 3-6m clothes until til 7mo. And was in 6-9m clothes at his first birthday.
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    I’m conflicted about Mother’s Day…

    @snyder502 100% valid. And that’s what you tell your family! Enjoy your Sunday the 13th!!!
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    I’m conflicted about Mother’s Day…

    @snyder502 Do what makes you happy. But also…does Mothers Day have to be on Sunday the 13th? Could you get your day another day? I know it’s sentimental to have it on the actual day but just a perspective I’ve learned when holiday plans go awry and we celebrate at a seemingly random time instead.
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    Doctor said my 6mo needs PT

    @springwillow Having done PT with my LO I can say it is super fun and you learn so much! Can I ask why you think it’s extreme? It’s like a bay gymnastics with a personal trainer who helps move baby and plays with baby to get certain muscles engaged in certain ways. I bet she did the referral...
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    Overhead Coworkers B*tching About My Pump Sessions

    @sierra98loveretail “I’m sorry I’m multitasking working while providing food for my child because we live in a country that is one of the few who does not believe a mother should take care of her young child. I didn’t realize my private business affected you in any way. How may I be more...
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    What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

    @andrew6297 Same exact schedule. Every now and then we’re on the go so no nap and 7pm bedtime instead. He’s a holy terror through until we get to 7.
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    Sometimes it hurts to question bills

    @doctored Oh no! That’s awful. Moms recovery is most important for baby and successful breastfeeding. I was blessed with my nursing staff and overall experience. They thankfully offered when they saw how exhausted I was. I remember sitting there wondering how on earth I would survive the first...
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    Sometimes it hurts to question bills

    @boondocks777 It was explained to me that the nursery charges are for the monitoring by staff and supplies even though baby stays in room. The care for baby and necessary supplies hasn’t changed since getting rid of the nursery they go to. Then to be honest I did send my guy there the first...