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    Dr says I’m overfeeding

    @glen101 You should always consider your pediatrician's advice, but it is ok if after considering it you decide it is not the right decision for your baby. Just smile and nod at the ped and then do whatever you want. My baby was the same size as yours at birth and ate the same as yours and our...
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    Baby’s new pediatrician told us that formula has no nutritional value 😳

    @etolkk123 My 15lb 3 month old who has only been fed formula since birth disagrees there is no nutritional value to formula.
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    @vespin Good job at trusting your gut and following your intuition! That is so important.
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    @vespin How old is your baby? 3oz per feed is what my baby ate at 2-3 weeks old. Your baby is acting hungry bc she is hungry. If your baby is crying from hunger, it makes zero sense to restrict her to an arbitrary number of oz. Do you think breastfeeding moms are weighing out how much breast...
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    washing non-organic produce

    @runaway887 I once saw two ladies in the supermarket trying each variety of grapes and then sneeze right on the grapes, so also protection from bad supermarket behavior.
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    is it okay to take baby out now?

    @belinda Yes, it will always be too soon for jokes about murdered children who spent the last years of their life terrorized into hiding and then being slowly tortured to death by a political movement that was trying to exterminate an entire race of people. That will never be funny to me.
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    is it okay to take baby out now?

    @belinda Yikes. An Anne Frank joke? Really?
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @sleeplesswhite I feel like so many people miss your first point. The effect of breastfeeding on sids is completely separate from the effect of formula on sids (which is no effect).
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    washing non-organic produce

    @nolongerchaff I do 1/2 cup white vinegar per 2 cups of water then soak for 10-15 min. If some things float above the water, I stir everything around every few minutes then rinse thoroughly and put in a sealed container, sometimes with a piece of paper towel in the container.