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  1. 2

    How do y’all do it?

    @chadfrommudvayne I go to bed at 830 most nights and stick it out for romance the other nights. It's not a great system but I'm a huge bitch if I'm sleep deprived.
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    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    @mahyrah 🤣🤣 Just tell your literal baby to be quiet and self-sufficient for 8 consecutive hours, 5 days a week, obviously.
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    Be the Lame One

    @celise I love this. For my friends we used to text a banana emoji and that meant get me out of here asap. I will definitely find a similar method for LO when she's older
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    “It’s like you don’t want to cook anymore” MAYBE I DON’T!

    @de_maria Sounds like hubby needs a sit down and a weekend as primary parent while you go relax and let someone take care of you