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  1. J

    Should my baby stay over night at her other set of grandparents? Or am I over reacting?

    @peterh99 Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for letting me know I'm not the only parent who doesn't want their child doing overnight stays while they are still so little and I'm not even there if something goes wrong. My parents are so happy to look after the wee one and also agree that she should...
  2. J

    Should my baby stay over night at her other set of grandparents? Or am I over reacting?

    @lov2speaktongues Totally understand where your coming from! Baby has of course visited the in laws house and of course nana comes to see baby every week. I have suggested to my partner that we should have had a set day in the weekend where we go over a visit on a more regular basis but it seems...
  3. J

    Should my baby stay over night at her other set of grandparents? Or am I over reacting?

    Should my baby stay over night at her grandparents? Or am I over reacting? I really just wanted to get some other parents perspective on a wee dilemma I have going on in my mind! In October my partner (23 male) and I (23 female) will be going to a wedding out of the country for 5 days and will...