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  1. B

    Chair Method/Sleep Lady Shuffle - Success for my God Awful Sleeper

    @snapdragons_ Thank you! Does the approach say anything concerning "if LO cries for x amount of time / crying escalates to x out of 10" - call it / intervene? I'm curious because I could easily see my LO cry for hours or scream bloody murder when I'm sitting right next to her but not pick her up...
  2. B

    Chair Method/Sleep Lady Shuffle - Success for my God Awful Sleeper

    @snapdragons_ Oh my god, this couldn't be farther from a boring over share! Thank you so much for this! Hearing gentle method success stories is exactly what I need to finally find the courage to do it 🙈 and knowing you have a LO that seems to match the temperament of mine (escalates to crying...