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    1 month, wishing you could go back and not have a baby, postpartum thought or worse?

    @yuliia She should reach out to her OB/whoever delivered the baby. They’ll have access to resources to hook her up with people who will help. It’s normal to have some intense feelings postpartum, but this sounds a bit more than just a regular amount of that.
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    The Final Straw w/ Husband

    @jtbrock Or a huge burp and “that was a good one!”/“feel better?”
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    What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

    @geranium 20 month old. Sleep at 8PM. Wake at 6-6:30AM. Nap from 1PM-2:30PM (usually up between 2-2:30).
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    Would a 10 hour drive be ridiculous with a 2 month old?

    @effervescenteye Have to stop a minimum every two hours to take the kiddo out of the seat for a break. Your 10 hour drive will look a lot more like 15-16 hours. Personally, I wouldn’t be going at all with a baby that young, but if you’re set on it I’d probably fly or do the driving over two days...
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    How am I ever going to feel ok moving my firstborn to her own room?

    @taejon This is a good idea, honestly. I could definitely do something like that. She sleeps like a log so transferring her is easy regardless of the time! I didn’t think about doing it slowly like that but it might make it feel less jarring (for me).
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    How am I ever going to feel ok moving my firstborn to her own room?

    @almighty369 Thank you so much for taking the time to write that out! It’s nice to hear from someone in a somewhat similar situation. It’s very daunting to be the sole caregiver at bedtime. It’s already so chaotic with just my daughter, lol. She’s bad at transitions and bedtime has always been a...
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    How am I ever going to feel ok moving my firstborn to her own room?

    @katrina2017 Thankfully, the move into her own room would be a switch into a floorbed because the crib will stay in my room for babe. She sleeps really well and has no issues falling asleep regardless of me being there or not. It’s silly because it’s like I have break the cosleeping habit in...
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    How am I ever going to feel ok moving my firstborn to her own room?

    @christlike777 I’ll definitely be cosleeping with the toddler and roomsharing with the baby until they’re old enough to safely cosleep too after my husband goes back to work. I’m worried about the newborn phase disturbing my toddler at first though. She sleeps really well and I’d hate to ruin...
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    How am I ever going to feel ok moving my firstborn to her own room?

    We are relatively new to cosleeping and we don’t do it every night, but my 18 month old has been in my room since birth. She slept in her crib for the first year and on bad nights she’d sleep in my bed but I’d remain awake because my mom-anxiety couldn’t let me sleep with her. After 12 months...
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    How many times do you change diapers at night?

    @bigdave31 Yes, she slept through the night very very early. She started doing it around 5 weeks. Don’t worry though, she’s making up for it now at 10 months! Hasn’t slept through the night in 4 months. 😅
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    How many times do you change diapers at night?

    @preston055 At night time, at that age, we changed the diaper every time baby woke up for a feed. We EFF, so that was every 8-10 hours for us then. We had no issues. I did always make sure that before going down for bed every night baby would have a nice thick layer of Aquaphor on before putting...
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    She doesn’t fit newborn or 0-3 anymore

    @disciplemattias If you’re lucky, you end up with a baby like mine who topped out at 2T at 12 months and after those first two sizes you blow through so many sizes so quickly you have no time to be attached to them. 🥴
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    For Those With Babies With Low Sleep Quantity (<12 Hours A Day) When Did It Increase?

    @kemet Some kids are just low sleep needs. 🤷‍♀️ But, to answer what seems to be your actual question, your naps will lengthen around 8-10 months whenever the kiddo drops down to 2 naps is what seems to be the norm. Ours went from never longer than 36 minutes to 1-1.5 hours when we made that...
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    Those who had a C-section, what were you able to do for baby while recovering from surgery?

    @blessedbythebest88 As the first 3 weeks passed my stomach started to feel a lot more… contained. Everything sort of feels like sore jello. It got a lot better by week 3 and I would say I was back to feeling 100% normal (mostly) by week 6-7. Buy a belly band for yourself! The hospital one kinda...
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    Those who had a C-section, what were you able to do for baby while recovering from surgery?

    @blessedbythebest88 I had an unplanned c-section in August last year. All I did for the first twoish weeks was feed baby and hold her for contact naps. I didn’t carry her anywhere. I didn’t change diapers. I literally did nothing but hold her sitting down and breastfeed. My husband did...
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    just found out my baby is sunny side up

    @fairydustlady The positive of my story is that I have a happy healthy toddler now, but she was also sunny side up at birth and wouldn’t budge. I had a C-section. My best advice would be to not let yourself suffer through a lot of labor if baby is refusing to budge and you aren’t dilating...