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  1. D

    Okay, talk to me about baby eczema

    @revertinganglican Actually I have a ton of frozen breast milk from when my milk first came in and I had way too much and then later it turned out he won’t drink frozen milk. I didn’t want to toss it so I’ll try a breast milk bath.
  2. D

    10-month-old wakes up 3-5 times a night

    Won’t go back to sleep without breastfeeding. I’m so tired. We used to cosleep but now he actually wakes up more when he’s in the bed with us and doesn’t go back to sleep easily. He’s in a crib in the room adjacent to ours. He has a lovey that he sleeps with. Bedtime routine most nights...
  3. D

    Okay, talk to me about baby eczema

    My poor 3 month old squish has eczema all over his legs and torso and even behind his ears. It doesn’t seem to be really bothering him right now but it’s hard to tell. He’ll have his next pediatrician appt in early January but I’m trying to figure out what else I can do until then. Currently I...
  4. D

    7-month-old still wakes up a couple times a night. I’m starting work soon

    I can’t do this anymore. I am so so tired. I’ve already started inching away from breastfeeding - luckily baby girl takes formula like a champ. Husband sleeps like the dead and doesn’t wake up with the baby. I’ve been giving her 4-5 ounces of formula just before bedtime at 6:30. She has a huge...