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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @endquote That’s amazing!
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @reeses Sounds rough, you’ve got a great sleeper for the most part 🙌🏼🙌🏼
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @chriswiegman There’s always something it’s a rollercoaster poor little babes
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @foundwandering Googling immediately lol
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @texaspete That’s a great way to put it!
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @sweetthing261 Fingers are crossed for, I feel for those with twins
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @sweetthing261 That is amaaaazing, go you good thing. That’s what my dreams are made of when I get the chance to sleep lol
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @katrina2017 Oh man hang in there. Some people are blessed aren’t they! 🫣
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @coolnavigator That’s the main thing and what my partner tells me when him having a menti - b. He’s happy and loved and we will sleep one day lol
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @brightmoon Saaaame sometimes he wakes at 3 and I have to work early so there’s no point trying and I start my day at 3am 😴
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @j0sh8830 Yessss so much planning goes around their sleep it’s crazy! We are trying to get on a schedule for daycare too so hard when he wakes at a different time every day.
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @irishamerican4christ Oh the early wake ups, 🫠🫠
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @jcox64 Me freakin too I keep telling myself it’s not forever and then he won’t be little anymore 😢
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @jcox64 Oh that’s wonderful!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @scottyp588 Oh that’s so wonderful! We did the sleep training about a month ago too and he goes down for all his sleeps on his own, but still wakes up crying every second night or so…go figure 😂🤷‍♀️
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @jessika28 Oh my word you poor poor thing. Zombie mode! It’s amazing what our bodies adapt to when they have to lol. Fingers crossed for sleep for you both soon!
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @ecowarrior Hugs to you!! How exhausting. It sure is lucky they are super cute
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @christiangirl1991 So frustrating not knowing what we’ll get. Slept 11 hours which was the most we’ve gotten then last night he wakes up an hour after going to bed, then at midnight then took over an hour to get to sleep finally back down at 3am and up at 5 😂 wtf pal
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @emygdius Yeah I tell myself that every day. There is literally nothing I can do because I have tried everything and there’s no pattern whatsoever yet we have a good night and I’m still disappointed when it’s shit the next one. You’d think I’d have accepted it by now 🤔
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    6 months now what’s your normal with night sleep?

    @bia Totally! Not that you want others to suffer but knowing you’re not the only one feels better sometimes