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    Still mourning Tide free & gentle powder

    @y0ung1996 I use Charlie’s Soap powder detergent, as recommended to me by a local cloth diaper laundry service
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    Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

    @katrina2017 She says something like “ok, according to the AAP I can only say that sleep alone on their back is safest, but (reviews safe sleep 7)” It’s never been an issue.
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    Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

    @person47 I say “we are working on it and keep trying the bassinet, but she mostly will only sleep with us, so we follow the safe sleep 7”
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    Baby wearing outdoors in the winter?

    @queenvictoria93 Woah I didn’t know such a thing existed! Do you know of a good brand?
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    Baby wearing outdoors in the winter?

    Can everyone give their advice for carrying in a cold climate? (Below 30 F). I was a daily winter walker before I had my baby and am hoping to continue with her in tow. I primarily use an ergo for my longer walks, and bought the all weather carrier. It seems that her body stays warm, maybe I...