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    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    Wanted to add that we have a hamper in every room. Even the living room, and the kitchen has a basket. If clothes comes off there is a hamper to put it in!
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    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 I try to do a small load every day. It inevitably bottlenecks at folding, but by keeping the loads smaller and doing it daily, it never gets too overwhelming. So, in the morning I gather a small basket. Put it in the wash. Go do whatever I’m doing. At some point midday I move it to the...
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    Why don’t more people use wool?

    @joyful0128 They’re really expensive upfront, and the hassle of handwashing sounds harder then it is. Also you can’t just pad fold liners the same way which is a little annoying (at least not for pullons which is all I have) I use wool parttime. I found someone selling 4 used for a great price...
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    At the point of wanting to burn my ring sling

    @blessedj316 I didn’t like ring sling at 4 months. I liked it with a newborn in a froggy pose, and again after about 6 months when they know what’s up. You might want to just wait before getting rid of it
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @linka81 Mine is going on 22 mo and still breastfeeds about once or twice at night. We have him in his own room, until he cries out and then we bring him into bed with us. He usually wakes once (12? 3? I have no idea) and then again around 6ish for the snooze nursing session. We bedshared all...
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    What do you do during wake windows???

    @misslou At 3 months? Wake up, nurse, diaper change, let her do tummy time while I play with her brother/fold laundry/put her in a carrier while I make dinner. We just lived life with her, it worked really well. She’s an early crawler at 6mo.
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    Keeping house tidy

    @wh2 I have a three year old and a 6 month old, 2 cats and 2 dogs. My house will be tidy again one day. I think if I just got rid of 50% of our stuff … the house would still be a mess, but it might look less disorganized… still, who has time to declutter with a baby? I try to get things to a...
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    TIL It’s ok to have a drink or 2 and breastfeed! No need to pump and dump! 😊

    @mabelight And by the time you hit .3 you’ll be hospitalized for blood alcohol poisoning anyways
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    Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

    @person47 With my first my pediatrician asked, and then proceeded to lecture us while I cried. The next time she asked I told the lie “we have a bassinet” (we were not using it). With my second I had switched pediatricians (this was the first of many reasons I did not like her) and the new...
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    We can’t bed share because my baby is formula fed? Explain

    @chenml60 Of course it’s still safer to bedshare than to fall asleep on the couch even if you formula feed. If you can only do 6/7 that’s okay. One benefit to breastfeeding is that it keeps mom from falling into a deep sleep next to baby. (Which also has its downsides, I usually need an extra...