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  1. J

    Y’all, Apparently I’m drinking tea wrong…

    @richking58 What makes this so hilarious is that I was reading it without knowing what sub Reddit this was from. Edit to add: reading the comments I see I wasn’t the only one!! 😂
  2. J

    41 year old...Full time working single mom and full time grad student.... feeling overwhelmed

    @triplets101 More info on our kids’ generation
  3. J

    41 year old...Full time working single mom and full time grad student.... feeling overwhelmed

    @triplets101 Why didn’t you get a job with your bachelors? “Getting a masters means you didn’t do it right the first time” is something my roommate told me that really woke me up. If I could do it again I would not have gone to grad school. So if you are feeling conflicted, drop grad school...
  4. J

    Tips For Preparing Younger Kids Re: Your New S.O.?

    @sjrnr As a former 8 year old in this situation, slow down. 6 months is an arbitrary amount of time. Keep your dating life separate for much longer.