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  1. K

    We can’t bed share because my baby is formula fed? Explain

    @chenml60 Now that we've been doing this for almost a year, I don't regret it. I regret how shamed co-sleeping is as an american and how little we are taught without having to scour google for the information instead of our health providers helping us make informed decisions. Sometimes, I find...
  2. K

    We can’t bed share because my baby is formula fed? Explain

    @chenml60 I co-slept with my son(34wk 5lb 6oz) at 5 weeks, and he was bottle fed from birth. I swore up and down I wouldn't co-sleep, but I needed any reprieve that I could get honestly judgment be damned. He was 6wks early, spent 3 wks in nicu, 2 days after coming home my husband caught covid...