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  1. R

    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @pkhaney Sorry, you're doing all the housework and on nights off he just does video games and Netflix? My dude can fold laundry, meal plan, put grocery orders together, clean, do dishes, put oatmeal in the crockpot for breakfast, I meannnn There's so much he could be doing to help you and do...
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    MIL wants Medical Authorization Form for 13 m.o

    @irisnicole8405 Both my mom and MIL have watched my kids for 3+ days on separate occasions and we never did this. My mom is super into forms and rules and details, and my MIL works for a major hospital system, so if between the two of them we didn't get this form done it's totally non...
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    I hate this place

    @leann1005 So my husband is a doctor, and if a person's work was asking for something so ridiculous, I'm pretty sure he'd write them a work note for like, 8 weeks to assist you. I'm not sure about that, but he hates bullshit like that.
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    I get so annoyed of hearing “wElL I dOnT kNoW hOw To HeLp UnLesS yOu aSk”…

    @dottiec Okay, I read your whole comment and it's great advice but... Then she not only is exhausted from doing all the childcare and housework, but then she also has to undertake the task of training her husband how to be an adult, when the vast majority of these tasks can be figured out, or...
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    My kids all have fevers and here’s what I’m fantasizing about today…

    @peppermint_patty My son also has a fever (tested positive for the flu) and so we've been having a lot of tantrums over inconsequential things.
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    29 weeks and baby measuring 3 lb 9.5 oz. I'm terrified

    @asdf415 My first was 9lb 10 oz, and I had a scheduled c section, which was great!
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    Be the Lame One

    @celise My mom did this for me as a teen, and I never needed to use the system, but it boosted my confidence and my trust in her that I knew I could get out of a bad situation if it bothered me.
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    I get so annoyed of hearing “wElL I dOnT kNoW hOw To HeLp UnLesS yOu aSk”…

    @savemonopolylatw2votv Honestly, I'd give him more than his share on the honey do list, because making the honey do list and being the ruler are jobs.
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    B L U E Y

    @khouryn We love bluey, my son loves it, my husband loves it. My son has bluey shirts he wants to wear every morning, and my husband got him some bluey and bingo stuffed animals that he sleeps with now. It's the best show.
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    I get so annoyed of hearing “wElL I dOnT kNoW hOw To HeLp UnLesS yOu aSk”…

    @xbrony Ooh, I know the answer to this one. Throw out half of his clothes! Half the clothes, half the time before washing. That's just math.
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    Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

    @genxjeff As a medical professional who took microbiology, chem 1, chem 2, biochemistry, anatomy, and exercise physiology, I can pronounce a lot of chemical names just fine. Overall I feel like it's an anti education/anti science mindset. Lavender essential oil has a chemical name too, just...
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    B L U E Y

    @westernrose It's so true! I'm sitting there taking notes as Chili and Bandit deftly handle situations with the kids.