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  1. Y

    On a first-name basis with 2-yo

    @staxx This is exactly why we started teaching our daughter our names at 2.5. She still calls us mommy and daddy, but if you ask "what's mommy's/daddy's name?" she'll tell you the right answer. I'm still trying to figure out how to get my phone number in a memorable format for her, but that's...
  2. Y

    Help me please, before I lose my ever loving mind. Read full post!

    @amayasasaki I got in a bad habit when the grandparents were visiting around the holidays where she wanted me to stay until she fell asleep and I did it because I wasn't getting as much time with her during the day. Then Pappy passed away late January so I haven't pushed to break the habit. I...
  3. Y

    MIL wants Medical Authorization Form for 13 m.o

    @raemyraj I'm pretty sure grandma's not even trying to go to the kids' pediatrician. It sounds like grandma doesn't agree with what the doctor says, so I'm thinking she wants to go to a whole different practice to find someone who agrees with her thinking and/or will perform some kind of...