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  1. C

    No preschool?

    @lizzieb90 I don’t think it sounds silly at all. It’s natural to want to be around your baby as long as possible. I’d suggest waiting to see how she grows into a toddler - what her personality is like, energy level, if she’s introverted vs extroverted. It may help you decide when it’s actually...
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    Daycare is NOT associated with behavior problems in 10,000+ children across 5 countries

    @damacri Before age 1 and before age 2 were still critically significant variants in the discussion on age at entry. It appears this may be something that should be considered in future longitudinal studies.
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    EnJoY yOuR sLeEp NoW

    @dphantom So true. I know some here had great little sleepers. That’s awesome and I wish we all did. But that wasn’t my experience. The first 3 months, let alone that first month, were brutal. Sleep wasn’t something we did a lot of during that time, and mine was never one to have 5-8 hours in a...
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    Greek yogurt vs homo milk

    @linda73 Happy pride 🏳️‍🌈 This post gave me a good laugh.
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    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @apor2017 Look for a virtual “class” for kids dance on YouTube or elsewhere online. Then give her a tutu or dance outfit and let her try that and see if she likes it.
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    Greenwashing and essential oils

    @idontadamandeveit I’ve known of essential oils for 15 years, since working at a small health store that had them. Ultimately, I think people overuse them believing they are truly better than pharmaceuticals, but we don’t really have evidence for that. My philosophy with EO’s is to use them...
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    Just my critique of that day care Medium article that is always circulating this sub as it relates to nannies and familial care

    @joint_praise I’m very satisfied with my choice. I am not here to make anyone else feel good or bad with their decision. I only said I used the article referred to in the main post as one of several references when my spouse and I made our choice.
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @michele9618 No, there were a few other mods but i guess they werent active. I know bc a few days ago i kept reporting a user that was breaking sub rules name calling and being antagonistic toward another user and the mods never removed the comments or did anything about it.
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    Just my critique of that day care Medium article that is always circulating this sub as it relates to nannies and familial care

    @freebytruthjohn832 I used this medium article and others to help support my decision to stay at home. I was working full time and, while pregnant, read it while researching child care options.
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    Does sleep training even work?

    @ezrasnumberonefan Hence why I said it’s inconclusive. Without proper research around sleep training specifically, it’s hard to use only attachment theory studies because they don’t account for nuance. For example, if a parent who is sleep deprived doesn’t sleep train, they could experience...
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    Does sleep training even work?

    @cyberrocky First, I 100% agree that it depends on baby’s personality. Full stop. As someone who couldn’t bring myself to sleep train, I did still look into it because I struggle hard when I get less than 5 hours of sleep at night. First, no research out there shows long term detriments or...
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    Nora’s Nursery PUL going after 1.5 years - probably my fault but I’m SO frustrated! How long should a PUL cover last?

    @envisiondavid Like someone else said, I wash them hot to clean them thoroughly. Very rarely do I have residual stain etc. but yeah we are at 2 years of use and I just had PULs in a couple Alva’s deteriorate. I’ve been having leak problems and thought my toddler is just a heavy wetter as he...
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    Does sleep training even work?

    @peruss My husband would be so mad if I did that to him.
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    Does sleep training even work?

    @hary89 As a cosleeper this is one thing I’m sort of grateful for. Like yeah it would be a hassle if he puked in our shared bed but at least I would immediately know and be able to help.