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    Pregnant with #3

    @kennyjoseph__ Ooh! Well thanks very much for that tip - I’ll go search for those
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    Pregnant with #3

    @kennyjoseph__ I’d love to be able to keep our car (it’s a nippy manual Corolla hatchback that I love driving) but there really isn’t any room between the 2 car seats currently so we will have to upgrade. I’m open to 3 across or van style ie Kia carnival. Definitely start on the prenatals...
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    Pregnant with #3

    @kimberlystambaugh Great idea! Will definitely keep that in mind, thanks!
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    Pregnant with #3

    @forgiven_ent Thanks for your tips! I think I’ll look for a second hand extra freezer for meals, ours is really small. Yes, I’ve saved pretty much everything from my first 2, although our baby capsule I think has expired from my first baby in 2018 so might need a new one of those. I’m in NZ so...
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    Pregnant with #3

    @clh72481 Oh I love your comment so much 💖 thanks for writing all that out! I think the freezer is a must have and I honestly can't wait to get a van haha. LOVE your idea of planning by trimester. Mine are similar, I'm very tired for 1st but enjoy 2nd. 3rd I get awful insomnia so try to work...
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    Pregnant with #3

    @uniquescreenname Thanks for this. Mine will be 4 and 2 when baby is born. I work 25 hours a week while they go to daycare and have realised this year that they do better if allowed to watch one episode of something on TV then next activity rather than let TV just be on for ages. So yes to a...
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    Pregnant with #3

    Just found out I am pregnant again this morning. It’s not unexpected, it’s wanted, and I was so overjoyed! Then I thought about going from family of 4 to 5, the money we’d need, car upgrade etc. obviously we discussed it before we “threw caution to the wind” and decided we’d be ok, but it’s a...