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  1. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    @horsebox Thank you for the tips. I just learned that my SO who stays home with the baby in the AM doesn’t put him down during sleeping and holds LO through all naps. Basically undoes everything I worked so hard for….now I’m about to jump kick my SO for undoing all my struggle. We’ll see how...
  2. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    @dejj1009 We swaddle him with nothing else in crib/bassinet.
  3. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    @motorcyclesfly Hi! Just had time to put my LO down and reply…. :/ He did get a lot better between months 3-5 and then month 6 that we’re currently in feels like we’ve reverted back to month 2 as far as clinginess goes :( I was feeling super frustrated earlier and luckily my partner was home so...
  4. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    @prairiemom I’m EP since we couldn’t latch. I just feel like I’m overfilling him if I top off his normal amount because then he’ll regurgitate the milk back out. Honestly tonight he’s been pretty good but the night is young and there’s still the rest of the week
  5. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    @deniray Thank you, deff needed to hear this
  6. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    @katrina2017 Ok I bought one of these but I wasn’t tying it tight enough. Thanks for the tips!
  7. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    @katrina2017 Baby wearing works for us sometimes but I gotta find a better carrier because I always feel guilty when his little head is bopping around everywhere and I’m constantly bending down to pick things up or do laundry. What carrier do you use?
  8. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    @bradjoe96 Thank you! In the trenches together! We got this. We got through pregnancy and labor, we can do this too💪🏼
  9. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    @tonyrichy86 Wow, sounds like it’s worth the $1700 price tag
  10. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    @sledhed My MIL is home on weekends so we are asking her to start coming over on Fridays to help us. It’s just one day a week but I think that day will be so nice to just catch up on sleep (on days I’m off work). As far as friends go, not really :/ We aren’t super close to our friends that we’d...
  11. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    @sledhed I know you can rent the snoo but I never considered it, just thought we wouldn’t struggle with sleep as much as we are. I guess I don’t know too much about how it can help? I’ll have to read up on it and maybe I can check FB marketplace to see if someone’s selling their snoo. Ty!
  12. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    @servantofchrist27 Will have to try that. Thanks!
  13. L

    8 weeks, no sleep

    Help! I (FTM) am at my wits end and all the reading across the internet is confusing me. My LO is 8wks so I know there is a bit of a “leap” at this time but the lil guy won’t sleep at all unless he’s contact sleeping. He has to always be on mine or my husband’s chest or in our arms. This leaves...