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    What happens to poor sleepers who aren’t sleep trained?

    @euthymios At 4 months basically everyone is still doing that. It gets way trickier as they get older.
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    What happens to poor sleepers who aren’t sleep trained?

    @emissarygtrist That made me chuckle. She has all the answers but her kid is only 4 months old. Let us know how things are going in 2+ years.
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    What happens to poor sleepers who aren’t sleep trained?

    @moonlightlaura Absolutely. Same with my anxiety. I just wish I had given a little more support with my sleep skills/hygiene, is all, and that’s why I made this post. As in all things in life (but not on the internet), there’s nuance.
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    What happens to poor sleepers who aren’t sleep trained?

    @awefactory Interesting! I guess it’s really hard to ever know “why” something is.
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    What happens to poor sleepers who aren’t sleep trained?

    @barry334er5 Great question! I think my parents always jumped in, especially when I was younger. My mom was anxious, and wouldn’t give me a minute or two to try and settle on my own. She also did zero forms of sleep training, which in my case, may have been helpful. By the time I was older and...
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    What happens to poor sleepers who aren’t sleep trained?

    @ebveloz If I can talk about my own experience, I was never given any sleep skills. I slept separately from my parents, but I was up - all night. Up and down. My parents gave me a teddy bear, and reassured me, but I was never given a chance to learn how to self-soothe. I grew up tired - I was...
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    My kid wakes up every day at 4am and I’m drowning

    @mickaela What time is her nap?
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    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @risensoul We only qualify for UPK if our son attends at 4, so we are sending him due to that reason alone.
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    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @towardsthemark I have a late November kiddo with a December cutoff and this is great to hear! We are planning on doing the same.
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    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @jellofishxo Universal Pre-K! My local school district offers it to all families for free.
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    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @jellofishxo This thread has been great, thanks for posting OP. My son is a late November baby with a kindergarten (and UPK) cut off December 1. We are going to start him when he’s 4 turning 5. And he will start UPK when he’s 3 turning 4. He’s extremely bright, socially normal, and...