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  1. A

    My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

    @qork If you take off the day before your surgery, which you can absolutely do, your FMLA/maternity leave will start the day before surgery. You cannot concatenate PTOs with maternity leave/FMLA in most places in the US. PTOs, paid holidays, etc all run concurrently with FMLA/parental leaves...
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    My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

    @ldrkert4 This is generally not true. In all places I have worked, PTOs have to be taken concurrently with FMLA/paid leave of absence. One can't concatenate PTOs with FMLA/leaves.
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    My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

    @ldrkert4 Nope she'll qualify for FMLA before the day of surgery. FMLA can be taken for any pregnancy related condition.