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  1. D

    WIBTA for not wanting more kids/suggesting that one of us gets “fixed”?

    @musicoceanview34 Well, a vasectomy is reversible. However, it becomes harder to have kids the longer you have it. He might just not like the idea because it scares him. I was very nervous when me and my wife entertained the idea. After speaking to a doctor it helped ease some of my worries and...
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    WIBTA for not wanting more kids/suggesting that one of us gets “fixed”?

    @musicoceanview34 NTA. Have you sat down and spoke to him about your PPD? Does he understand what you are going through? (I mean -really- understand just how much PPD can affect women) Make sure you have a conversation about it. Try and get him to understand your feelings and why you don't want...
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    WIBTA for not wanting more kids/suggesting that one of us gets “fixed”?

    @harmonmarie Well except he doesn't seem to have zero compassion. In another comment of hers she states that he is understanding of her PPD and has even helped her with finding help and therapy. She never once said he has zero compassion. Now I don't know the guy but that at least seems like he...
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    WIBTA for not wanting more kids/suggesting that one of us gets “fixed”?

    @vilixwann So, thank you very much for the information. After doing some research, it seems that it is a lot more common than I thought it was. Being as young as they are, and their pre-frontal cortex not being fully developed, perhaps hiding the pills from her partner isn't necessarily a bad...
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    WIBTA for not wanting more kids/suggesting that one of us gets “fixed”?

    @harmonmarie What kind of messed up relationships have you had that your first sentence in this paragraph is to hide the pills so he doesn't mess with them? I am not attacking you, but that line of thought is not normal.