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  1. L

    My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

    @katrina2017 OP wouldn't normally qualify for FMLA or disability the day prior to delivery unless medically unable to work, which apparently is not the case here. It's very common to start leave before birth by using vacation prior to the eligibility date (and even through any disability...
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    My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

    @qork If this is vacation/PTO rather than sick leave or disability, you don’t even need to justify it and the only consideration in approving or denying leave should be business coverage needs. (Which should obviously not be an issue given that you’ll be out for presumably weeks and have a...
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    My kid wakes up every day at 4am and I’m drowning

    @luvmypets There are definitely kids who sleep more than others - sounds like you are lucky with good sleepers and I certainly don’t think your kids are suddenly going to drop 2-3 hours from their nights in the near future. But kids do generally need less sleep with age. It’s most obvious the...
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    My kid wakes up every day at 4am and I’m drowning

    @mickaela 10 hours of night sleep is reasonable for an 18 month old, and it seems she's telling you that's what she needs. At 18 months my (low sleep needs) child was going to bed at 8 and waking at 6. I think the way forward here is to push bedtime back to as late as it needs to be to have...
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    Can't get pregnant after 3 years of attempts

    @thecookdebra Vitamin or mineral deficiencies, eating processed foods, or having food allergies or intolerances do not cause infertility. After 3 years of trying you have given yourself plenty of chances to conceive spontaneously. More testing isn’t going to change the basic situation - it...
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    Breastfeeding exclusively 3-6 month old infant while WFH

    @wisper Yes, because I think it’s really important for the person taking care of the baby to be able to be actually in charge of feedings. That was the key thing for us, it wasn’t about me or my schedule. I pumped for 20 minutes 3 times during the workday. The setup and cleaning time was...
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    Breastfeeding exclusively 3-6 month old infant while WFH

    @wisper I went back to work (from home) at 3 months and my husband took paternity leave for months 3-6. I pumped and he bottle fed. I felt pretty strongly that it was important for both my baby and his primary caregiver that they not be dependent on my work schedule for feeds - it wouldn’t have...