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    Income keeps going up but husband doesn’t want to outsource any chores

    @gembeldolar My mom was a cleaning lady. We ate BECAUSE people hired a cleaning service. We paid our bills because someone hired her. Maybe his brain just hasn’t clicked for that yet? When I reached the income level where I could hire someone, I asked my mom about the differences between her...
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @christfollower1993 There’s an offshoot group that allows co-sleeping discussion, but it has minimal activity.
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    Random questions about formula feeding!

    @clarinetscore As you’re a STM you probably know this already, but…. GAS DROPS. Oh my god gas drops. They gave our baby an extra hour of sleep. We like the powdered Kirkland formula from Costco. We used RTF Similac at the hospital and it smells SO GROSS.
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    Parenting discussion w/ husband

    @homebass Adding onto this - and fully acknowledging this is NOT the scenario OP suggested would play out in OP’s household — I am a product of spanking. The way that this played out in my household is that if my brother & I were “naughty” my SAHM would tell us that dad would give us a...
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    2 weeks old drink every 2 hours?

    @fredthefrench Normal
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    TTC 40 - blood test results - feedback?

    @michael75 I think this is a really personal decision for you and your partner as to whether you have the emotional bandwidth to keep trying the old fashioned way or if you would rather spend the money to do IVF. Based on your lab results, my layperson opinion is that there’s not a physical...
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    I guess I don't need to keep my legs up after sex!

    @kenya38 Not OP and I only wish I’d heard/thought of this suggestion at the start of my journey! I’d recommend going to the website for Put A Cup In It and taking the fit quiz. That will help you get one that seals well for your particular shape
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    Milk/Colostrum delayed

    @jesmo You’re welcome! Good luck!
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    Milk/Colostrum delayed

    @jesmo We used Dr. Brown’s premie nipples (P), which is what the lactation consultant recommended. Then the T/transition nipples, then level 1. I only found out the T nipples existed thanks to Reddit. Once we switched to level 1, our baby had absolutely zero interest in attempting to latch to...
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    Unexpected anxiety

    @behindcrossroads Non-Invasive Prenatal Test, also known as Cell Free DNA. It’s a blood draw from mom when the fetus is 10-12 weeks. Fetal DNA can be pulled out of mom’s blood and checked for chromosomal abnormalities. It’s a screening test rather than diagnostic like amniocentesis, but it is...
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    Milk/Colostrum delayed

    @dawnbirduk I had a c section at 38w, 5days at 41 years old. First/only pregnancy. My milk “came in” at 5 days. However, we ultimately did exclusively formula feeding because my supply maxed out at 4.5 ounces a day at 3 weeks. Your wife will probably have better luck than I did since she’s...
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    Unexpected anxiety

    @powerlovesoundmind We were both over 40 at conception and did the NIPT. We were able to do it through Labcorp for $299 and it was worth it for us for the peace of mind
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    How to convince my sister

    @christians I am so excited for your breast reduction! Mine was life changing.
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    How to convince my sister

    @christians Re: breast reduction- I had one in 2004 and gave birth in January 2024. Some people can breastfeed just fine after one and some people can’t. I ended up being in the “can’t” group. (I had a few extenuating circumstances that contributed to breast milk production being difficult as...
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    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    I still can’t stand the taste of artificial orange due to all of those nasty chewable Dramamine tablets. Gross)
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    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @pulickalbrothers I’m an adult who has had motion sickness my whole life. (Baby is still in the incubator, but gets very active when I am in the car, so worried she got that gene 😭) Anyhow - have you tried seabands? They are pretty contingent upon being placed correctly (2-3 finger widths...
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    Should I wait for the updated covid vaccine for my 8 month old?

    @truebornagain I’d get the first dose now and plan to get XBB dose as the second dose when it’s available. Assuming CDC opts to continue the same 4-8 week schedule for the second dose, you’re looking at October to get the second dose regardless. Alternatively, Baby is completely unprotected...
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    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    @fmc4auburn Yeah, my partner is fence sitting. If he brings up the topic of Number 2 seriously, I’m going to ask him to do 75% of the childcare for our first for 2 months before we have a serious discussion about it.
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    The moment you realize you’ve made it is when your baby will have the dad you didn’t

    @garry25 When we found out we were having a girl, I started crying and said, “omg she gets to have a good dad” Baby girl is 9 weeks old now and she does have a good dad! 😊