@i_love_the_rain More power to you on toughing it without the meds. I'm going to have enough challenges, I think, given disabilities... but I hear you on the fear. Already trying to manage that.
@raving4him Wow. Talk about an actual nightmare scenario.
So... I would suggest maybe you do take someone into your confidence about your loss or at least see a counselor. Your husband and you both, really. It sounds like you really need someone on the outside of this group to lean on.
@armadilloca Oh man even thinking about walking around the block.... did you have a C-Section or vaginal delivery? I'm unfortunately locked into the section due to a seizure disorder, don't want to have a seizure mid-delivery.
@ginny16 Real talk, I was cruising pretty well until third trimester. Like, I had PSD pretty early but the physical therapy, KT tape, and support belt were helping a lot.
Then the weight started to get on, and the welling, and BAM I'm miserable.