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  1. J

    Turning 30, thinking about quitting law school after my first semester to start a family. Advice?

    @ladyghosthunter I’m a female attorney. If you want to make good money as an attorney to pay off the 250K, then you’re not going to have time for kids for another 4-5 years, at the very least. You’ll want to get out of school, pass the bar, and work for a couple of years (if you plan on being a...
  2. J

    Turning 30, thinking about quitting law school after my first semester to start a family. Advice?

    @liamxx7 It is much harder to go on a hiatus in law in the States. Further, unless you’re a child genius, the youngest you may get out of law school is somewhere between 24-25 (depending on when your birthday falls and if you do college and law school straight through, which many don’t do, as...