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  1. P

    Please convince me that it’s okay to quit pumping

    @msl74pc I have two kids, one was EFF the other was EBF. If I didn’t tell you, you’d never be able to tell who had what. Your baby will absolutely thrive on formula and a mentally happy mother more than they will on breastmilk. It’s okay to stop, it’s just milk, it doesn’t make a difference.
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    2 year old and 6 month old I’m getting really discouraged - vent

    @jlovespb You can frame it to your husband that without his help you’re essentially never getting to leave work, every waking moment is the same for you. How can anyone expect not to be burnt out when you have zero down time? When he finishes work/on weekends it should be 50/50 on the...
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    No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

    @mike_l My first was formula fed and we co slept from 3-4 months. I read somewhere that after 4 months it becomes safer if you don’t breastfeed. We followed safe sleep 7 to a tee without the breastfeeding. Also, just because you didn’t/can’t breastfeed doesn’t mean shit to your kid. I’m sorry...
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    SAHM and Spouse WFH

    @toolenduso My husband works from home. I’m also 38 weeks pregnant so I need a bit of extra help at the moment. My LO is 19 months old. Normally he will do overnights with our daughter, and get up for the day with her. He will take his breaks together and occupy her for an hour during the...
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    Weaning sadness

    @cassidyshay Sorry if this is a bit rambly. My first baby’s birth was somewhat similar to yours, ended in emergency c section, being put under GA. I was very out of it after waking and in shock after going through labour/then having the section itself. My daughter was given donor milk and...
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    Mom shamed for formula feeding

    @mikailao20 I’d have said I didn’t let my baby starve to death. I would have totally been interested to see where the studies are, that say formula fed babies are more sick and aren’t as smart. I’m sure people who shame others for things like this are damn miserable in themselves.
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    We can’t bed share because my baby is formula fed? Explain

    @chenml60 I formula fed my first baby and co slept, she also co slept with dad. I always felt a little bit weird that it felt like you weren’t allowed to co sleep if you formula or bottle fed. I’ve done a lot of reading on the co sleeping subject and came to the conclusion that it’s mainly...