@wanttobefollower Mmmm MAYBE but if it doesnt have you tried Natures Miracle? I think thats what its called. Whatever you use, enzyme is the keyword you need for removing the doggys instinct of "gotta pee here!" It worked for this little shit.
@wanttobefollower Because it REALLY works and you need so little. My husband works as a mechanic now at his own shop. So you know... sweaty man clothes. I used to have an issue of my clothes REAKING of ballsack if my clothes were DRIED with his. Even if his were already dried and I threw a shirt...
@tnelis OMG I KNOW! I LOVE THE PURPLE ONE! Also Hex detergent and laundry sanitizer works wonders! I add oxy, hex, lysol, and my regular detergent. Nothing smells bad if i miss a load for a few days!
@elle9406 I am literally your husband. Ive gotten better with adhd meds, and it doesnt help that our washer is SUPER sensitive to be out of balance....
I also rewash clothes i forgot in the washer... a lot.
@reporter94 My friends 7yo is super short (like maybe just under 4ft) but shes way too heavy to fit in a booster (she no longer fits kids clothes). So shes just not in one. It always made me super nervous when we'd go places because i can tell that seatbelt doesnt fit right....