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  1. P

    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    @anlytcphil Thank you and yes you’re right I don’t agree with the advice and it has been sooo tough. Today we’ve made progress with food and I think it’s because I added two familiar foods on her plate along with one new food. This initiated her to at least put the new food into her mouth. I...
  2. P

    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    @barb2204 Thank you so much. Today for lunch, I added her favourite puffs and yoghurt with some homemade nuggets that I snuck some veggies in. And because she had foods on the plate that she normally would put in her mouth she actually put some of the nugget in her mouth, which is a huge win for...
  3. P

    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    @ezzeking She was taking formula in the bottle which is why the doctor said to stop because it was too filling. I did milk in a cup with a straw with breakfast today and she actually ate a good amount and used the milk to wash down food. I added half a scoop of formula so she got the taste of it...
  4. P

    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    @mosthighmercy No I haven’t! I will bring that up in our appointment tomorrow. Thanks!
  5. P

    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    @aniko Previously when she was drinking her bottle if she was interested enough while we were eating, she would come by for a bite or grab something off the table and eat it but since cutting her off her bottle, that’s all she wants.
  6. P

    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    @scienceaf We have an appointment with an OT for feeding therapy. I’m hoping that helps. She was born premature and I’ve been reading that sometimes premature babies have issues with feeding.
  7. P

    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    @alfons So I give her a straw with an open cup and she’s OK drinking that way. I think I’m going to start the formula again, but give it in a cup with a straw and slowly wean off that way. At least she won’t be hungry going to bed.
  8. P

    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    I started introducing food when she was 6 months old. She would eat purées here and there but okay around with the solid food. I offer her different foods so that she gets used to textures. Sometimes she’ll put things in her mouth but she’ll usually spit it back out. Just recently I noticed...