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  1. C

    Please convince me to cosleep

    @psalm51flower Also wanted to mention that I had supply issues but once we started co sleeping it got better and increasing night feedings can help improve general supply! I still combo feed but I don’t really sweat it about supply anymore.
  2. C

    Please convince me to cosleep

    @psalm51flower I read your update and I’m so happy you got some good rest! And yes it does feel so natural to sleep next to baby. Cosleeping is actually recommended across the pond. So proud for you! This group also helped make me feel so much better about it and for that I thank you all!
  3. C

    Please convince me to cosleep

    @psalm51flower It sounds like you already know the answer. I always said I would never cosleep but I started at 6 weeks and haven’t really looked back. There were a few weeks I managed to get my baby to sleep in the sidecar bassinet but his next major growth spurt threw a wrench in that. Now he...