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  1. M

    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 I separate my son's laundry, my laundry (my husband works OTR but we share a lot of clothes anyway), and blankets/towels. Wash a load and dry, fold while the next load is in the dryer, rinse repeat. It usually takes me the same amount of time to fold a load while the next is drying...
  2. M

    We are doing no electronics during the school week for the month of May. It's changed the whole family dynamic. Maybe you should try it, too

    @sf111 Oh, your poor dad. My heart breaks for him. But I can feel your love for your son through your words, and I'm so glad he's got you in his life. I think it's good that you shared this story, it's made me reflect on how much screen time we've had in the house lately, even though our little...
  3. M

    We are doing no electronics during the school week for the month of May. It's changed the whole family dynamic. Maybe you should try it, too

    @sf111 100%. I didn't get diagnosed with ADHD until a couple of years ago, at the same time as my bipolar diagnosis. I always thought I was just horribly depressed, and that's why I couldn't function like everyone else. Well, I am, but when the depression fog lifted with the mood stabilizers...