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  1. I

    "pUt YoUr BaBy DoWn GrOgGy BuT aWaKe"

    @robert777 Definitely garbage advice for the first few months at minimum. It's just straight up impossible when they are that little. My son is 13 months old, and we started having success with it maybe around 4 months old or so, but there were still some tears. We basically stumbled into sleep...
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    When did you stop tracking everything for baby (e.g., nursing sessions, wet/soiled diapers, sleep duration, etc.)?

    @bandit We're almost at a year, and still track sleep for this reason. I just don't want to do baby math, but he functions better with wake windows. We stopped tracking feeds and diapers when he started eating solids, and only track diapers when he seems to have a reaction to something and we...
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    Looking for reassurance. Can anyone explain why a 40 pound 4-year-old can get the same covid vaccine as a 15 pound 6-month-old?

    @aussiewife I just want to speak to the fever issue, but obviously this is purely anecdotal. My son is in the Moderna trial. He turned 1 the day after his first dose, and was 13 months for his second dose. For the trial, we had to take his temperature and record info about his demeanor every...
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    Symptomatic bacterial strep throat in toddler: antibiotics?

    @ramonguitar As someone whose toddler just developed scarlet fever, it is TERRIFYING. We were out of town, he had a fever but no other symptoms, and suddenly overnight developed insane hives, rash, and swelling, and it was an immediate ER visit. Scariest 36 hours of my life waiting for those...