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  1. F

    My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

    @trout11 I cannot imagine there is a doctor anywhere who would refuse to sign a disability application from a 38 week pregnant person. If OP doesn't want to use that option because it would be unpaid and could eat into her postpartum disability time, then that's one thing. But the option to be...
  2. F

    My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

    @qork Yeah, I'm in the US too. I can only speak with authority about California where I've been in HR. But here at least, it is universal that women can request to be off work on disability beginning 4 weeks before due date without having any exceptional reason beyond "I'm super pregnant and...
  3. F

    My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

    @qork Why is your doctor not writing you out on disability? Generally docs will do that 4 weeks before your due date. You should not have to work in your 9th month of your don't want to. Your supervisor is insane.