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    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    @savoiraimer Hi, thanks for asking! Unfortunately it’s still pretty much the same. We had a couple of rough weeks recently as he was up almost every night because he was sick, teething etc. Now it’s a bit less frequent but it’s still the same. He’ll be up for 2 hours on the dot every single time 😭
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    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    @titus Please check out the edit in my main post, I answered some of the questions there!
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    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    @elizabella Oh god, thank you for this! 8-15x is rough… My son does the waking up crying thing a couple of times a night and I already find it really hard. Yeah, it’s wild to me how different kids are. My daughter always took ages to fall asleep (we’re talking 1,5 hours of rolling around and...
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    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    @marieflore Thank you! I edited my main post to answer some of the questions here!
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    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    @kaylove1 Earlier bedtime doesn’t really work either, I’ve tried and he wouldn’t go to sleep… do you think it would make a difference if we only stretched the wake window, and why exactly?
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    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    @kaylove1 Totally agree. He was very early with going from 3 to 2 naps, at 4 months old. We never pushed this or tried to engineer his sleeping schedule, just followed his cues. We don’t want to go back to two naps because when we did that it was 4 hour wake windows and an extremely late night...
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    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    @dmarks Thank you ❤️ I don’t feel like a person anymore some days…
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    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    @gigaquad Thank you! I checked out the article. I’m not sure if it’s due to too much sleep as it’s been so consistent. I edited my main post to give more info!
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    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    @squeaker1 I’m actually ok with the awake time during the night, like I can manage being awake. But the aftermath during the day and the having to go to bed early all the time is worst for me…
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    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    @michaell That’s rough! So you basically don’t get any me time in the evening because you have to go to sleep too I suppose!
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    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    @michaell Thank you for taking the time to answer! I edited the main post as many people here have been asking similar questions. How much sleep does your daughter need exactly?
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    1 year old up for 2 hours almost every night, tell me it gets better

    My almost 1 year old son was a unicorn baby until 4 months old. He fell asleep anywhere, even on his own, and never had any long night wake ups, just woke up to nurse. When he turned 4 months old things changed and all of a sudden he had these 1 hour night wake ups. I thought this is just a...