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  1. 1

    I don’t get it

    @lanzzy It definitely makes sense to shift things around when you need to but I’m confused by how? My daughter has her own agenda lol
  2. 1

    I don’t get it

    @charismaticlady This is exactly what I do to a T haha but even if I had the desire to strictly schedule her she would laugh in my face 😅 those tik tok babies must be laid back
  3. 1

    I don’t get it

    @hurdygurdyman She’s just about to turn 5 months and she naturally falls on the schedule you described. She’s always been pretty on par with “normal” wake windows. I just don’t understand how people are able to shift things around drastically and the baby goes along with it.
  4. 1

    I don’t get it

    @logmantm I also am on the cavewoman train lol I definitely don’t follow social media rules and just don’t understand how they can get their baby to do what they want. I think I must have a very strong willed LO.
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    I don’t get it

    @sarah6722 That totally makes sense and hats off to you for exclusively pumping!!! Such a feat in itself.
  6. 1

    I don’t get it

    I see so many social media posts about changing wake windows and oz fed. How?? I feed my LO when she’s hungry, she stops when she’s satisfied. I put her to sleep when she’s tired, she wakes when she’s rested. The most control I have/ impose is waking her up. How do they control so much of their...