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  1. R

    How do you approach the stupidity that is Daylights Savings Time?

    Update: She usually has a short bridge nap at 10:30 for 20 minutes, then her real nap at 1:00. We skipped her bridge nap and kept her long nap at 1:00. Stretched bedtime by about just 15 minutes and everything was totally fine. And now today she seems completely adjusted.
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    How do you approach the stupidity that is Daylights Savings Time?

    @nautilus728 No. 7:44 here and she’s sill asleep. I think I’m going to skip her bridge nap so she’ll be tired earlier with just a 1-2:30 nap.
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    How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

    @mahyrah Have these people never had kids?! I work from home and we have to have a nanny during the day. There’s no way I can take care of my daughter and work at the same time. One is a full-time job, the other is a 24/7-job. Can’t work both at the same time. Edit: Oh, and your don’t respond...
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    How do you approach the stupidity that is Daylights Savings Time?

    @katrina2017 Right?! I used to live in Hawaii. It was great never having to worry about this nonsense.
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    Anyone else’s LO start adjusting their wake times around 4.5-5 MO?

    @brokenheart7 Oh dang! Really? She’s still napping 4-5 times a day but I’m thinking we should cut one and extend her wake times. I just tried this this morning to extend her wake time from 1.5 to 2 hours and she fell asleep almost instantly.
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    Anyone else’s LO start adjusting their wake times around 4.5-5 MO?

    @brokenheart7 Nothing of the sort here. Her daytime naps have been awful since she turned four months old; she doesn’t nap longer than 45 minutes. She also had been sleeping through the night between 10 1/2 to 11 hours previously and now she’s sleeping just a little over nine hours.
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    Anyone else’s LO start adjusting their wake times around 4.5-5 MO?

    My LO was sleeping very consistently until 9:30-10am for months. Then a bit after 4.5 MO she started waking at 8:30 am like clockwork for a couple of weeks until she hit 5 MO and now today is the second day in a row she woke at 7:30 am. Her bedtime hasn’t changed. Anyone else?
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    How do you approach the stupidity that is Daylights Savings Time?

    Fall Back helped us get her in bed at our ideal time of 7:30. Last Spring Forward she was 3 months old and going to bed way too late still anyway. At 15 months old, there is no rationalizing or explaining. What are you doing? I figure we’ll start her in the middle at 8 (current bedtime is...
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    Is NICU follow up necessary when seeing a pediatrician a few times a year?

    @kimberly1988 I’ve never even heard of NICU follow ups until now. But maybe that’s because my LO was late preemie at 36&1? We were discharged to our pediatrician.
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    Important for Mothers Returning to Work

    @holyghostfilled7 Yes. Extremely similar. See this link for details.Canadian Breastfeeding Law
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    Important for Mothers Returning to Work

    @olcote My pleasure! Want to make sure all the mamas out their know their rights!
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    Important for Mothers Returning to Work

    I’ve found myself leaving this information on multiple posts regarding issues with employers, so I thought I would make a separate post specifically about it. My qualifications are 10+ years in the field of HR with my undergrad in HR management. If you are presently on maternity leave (FMLA)...