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  1. M

    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @mogulmama Are you effing serious? He likes “Miggy” over Vincent?? I know it’s easy for strangers on Reddit to tell you to stand up for yourself, but for real. This guy can kick rocks and obviously doesn’t remember what it’s like to piss off a pregnant person. Maybe you should show him, AND your...
  2. M

    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @mogulmama Good for you for sitting down and really thinking through your boundaries. Your FIL sounds like a bully who hasn’t heard or internalized the word “no” in his life. Firstly I would practice your new mama bear ferocity on your husband, since he obviously needs to learn how to stand up...
  3. M

    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @mogulmama I’m 38 weeks and a couple months ago I was on vacation with my Dad and his side of the family. My asshole uncle asked me one of his asshole baited questions about a very personal parenting philosophy in front of everyone (hint, it was around gender non-conformity). I answered...