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  1. G

    My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

    @3007 i posted an ad for a nanny to come from 5-9 each night just to put my hellion to bed. we’ve been on a bedtime groove the past month but tonight he wants to shake it up. eek.
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    Anyone else feel like it's a struggle to get baby out and about?

    @ajay003 we’ve kept my LO nearly completely isolated for 2 years (only outside storytimes). he’s now fully vaxed and we chose to start him in 5 hrs/wk preschool plus swim, outdoor soccer, and indoor gym class because it’s to the point where he NEEDS socialization to grow. it scares the hell out...
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    How much are y'all paying for babysitters/daycare per week ?

    @scrivener i’m gonna get a PT job when my mom moves back and can babysit for me. i have zero desire to return to my professional job. going to find something more fun and easy.
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    How much are y'all paying for babysitters/daycare per week ?

    @987abc i’m a SAHM and definitely can’t afford it but i do it because my mental health needs the break! nannies here make $60-70k a year.
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    How much are y'all paying for babysitters/daycare per week ?

    @987abc VHCOL and i pay $25/hr for babysitting for my regular sitter and $20/hr for my sick day sitter
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    How do night shifts work with a newborn?

    @perfectlove25 we had three adults, incl my mom. we did husband on from 6-12, then it was me til morning, then my mom took over. baby won’t be bothered by TV or noises. we EFF and it meant i got longer stretches of sleep.
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    No clue what to get toddler for Christmas

    @kievonn a box of lids of various shapes and sizes. my toddler’s favorite toy right now.
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    Daddy sleeping in

    @nessofonett05 my husband also has apnea and is high sleep needs. i’m the 24/7 caretaker. it sucks. husband went back to bed this morning at his parents house.
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    When did you send your only to preschool?

    @magdalenab started preschool at 2. no daycare as i’m a SAHM.
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    J names- any gender!

    @lebron623 Juniper is super super popular right now so she’d be one of 12 in her class. What about some thing a little more vintage like Jessica, Jennifer, June, Joan, Juliet, Joseph
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    Battery Toys w/o an Off Switch

    @sitch777 my toddler is terrified of it! i’m trying to sell ours.
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    Limiting Screens

    @pecosheero i’m not anti screen time at all but i’ve been limiting it to bedtime because it calms him down. i don’t want to take away the enticement of ceiling fan videos before bed lest it make bedtime even worse.
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    Battery Toys w/o an Off Switch

    @alannasteph my son loves these. we took batteries out tho.
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    OAD because sleep!

    @stripe i could have written this about my 3.5yo. my husband and i are high sleep needs and our son is low sleep needs. both have sleep apnea too. LO never STTN and always ends up in bed with me. i wouldn’t care about that so much if he would go down on his own. it’s like a physical fight to get...
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    4 year old will not go to sleep and I am losing my mind

    @jonderdonk4 my 3.5 is low sleep needs and sleeps 9:15-7:30, no nap. we do a LOT of activity and he still takes 20-45mins to fall asleep.
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    What was the moment you knew you were OAD?

    @vitality traumatic pregnancy during covid, traumatic birth, and traumatic medical diagnosis at 13 months old. also i’m 40 this year. my husband wants another but i had a psychotic break while pregnant and not gonna do that again!
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    Battery Toys w/o an Off Switch

    @faithfulflower913 yup
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @girl4god86 i had a rough pregnancy with mental health and we had a genetic diagnosis at 13 months that left me solidly OAD
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    OAD because sleep!

    @stripe thanks!!
  20. G

    OAD because sleep!

    @stripe i’m in therapy and on meds. it got real dark for awhile a couple months ago. the nights are bad.