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  1. C

    Does anyone else’s kid survive on snacks and snacks only?

    @kbteachem He's starting to want to exercise some control in decision making. So we go through cabinets and the fridge together and he will pick things he wants. And I'll make something to try and fill out some nutrition. That also takes a long time. He might still be munching when it's time for...
  2. C

    Does anyone else’s kid survive on snacks and snacks only?

    @ruanddrew Mine is a big snacker. If there's a meal it takes forever because he won't sit for any noticeable amount of time. Today's breakfast took 1.5 hours and was 6 tangerines and a nutri grain bar.
  3. C

    “You’re so lucky you can afford to stay home”

    @merekas I became a sahm out of necessity. I was working when my husband was off, but home all the other days. My paycheck barely covered all the fees of daycare. So when I got laid off during covid I just never got a job. Now my kid is in kindergarten. And I still don't have a job. Between...