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  1. P

    I need a little guidance as my heart is conflicted about sleep training.(sorry, it's a long one)

    @mrmovie1983 I would not work with this person. I would look for a program that adapts to your needs and wants. Not all sleep training is created equal, we had great success with just scheduling and decreasing intervention gradually and never had to let him cry, but we would have let him cry for...
  2. P

    dOn'T sTrESs, iT's bAD fOR tHe BaBY

    @jrob09bhs Patience does run thin during pregnancy lol
  3. P

    dOn'T sTrESs, iT's bAD fOR tHe BaBY

    I know a lot of people mean well when they say this and believe me, I'm doing my best to chill. Being afraid of negative feelings has the opposite effect though, I've never met a person who relaxed when you tell them tell "relax" It's been medically proven that you need to be under a metric...